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Archive for July 2013

Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Diabetic Foot Ulcers

What is a diabetic foot ulcer?

A diabetic foot ulcer is an open sore or wound that occurs in individuals with diabetes; it is typically located on the bottom of the foot.

Some statistics involving diabetic foot ulcers include:

  • 15% of people with diabetes develop a foot ulcer
  • % of people who develop a foot ulcer will be hospitalized due to an infection or other ulcer-related complication
  • 14% – 24% of people who develop a foot ulcer will require an amputation

What causes diabetic foot ulcers?

    Anyone who has diabetes is in jeopardy of developing a foot ulcer. People with diabetes are also at risk for complications from wound healing due to multiple factors including:

  • Slower healing injuries due to decreased blood flow
  • Not acknowledging injuries due to neuropathy (reduced sensation in their hands or feet).

What are the symptoms of diabetic foot ulcers?

Often times, people with diabetes have lost their ability to feel pain. Thus, pain is not a common symptom for them. Although it sounds good, it is actually dangerous as you will not be able to notice abnormalities as you normally would. Some symptoms to be cautious about include drainage from your socks, redness, swelling, and odors. If you are a diabetic, it is important to take good care of your feet, and check them every day.

What are the treatment options for diabetic foot ulcers?

The primary goal in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers is to facilitate healing as soon as possible. Some treatment options include:

  • Preventing the infection in the first place
  • Taking the pressure of the area (off-loading)
  • Removing dead skin and tissue (debridement)
  • Applying medication or dressings to the ulcer
  • Managing blood glucose and other health problems

When should I seek medical treatment for my diabetic foot ulcer?

As soon as you notice a foot ulcer, it is important to seek immediate medical attention. Foot ulcers in diabetic individuals should be treated immediately to reduce the risk of infection and amputation.

Healthpointe now offers a Regenerative Medicine Program that provides effective and non-invasive wound care options to treat complex problems and non-healing wounds. Call Healthpointe today to receive immediate medical attention for your diabetic ulcer issues.

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